
$15.99 CD

Kalk Seeds
(Karaoke Kalk)
"Slow Killer" Donna Regina |
"Pumer" Hausmeister |
Karaoke Kalk has been sharing some of the best, new, brain-tingling
melodic electronica for a while now. Way before Morr Music or
Postal Service became a Stereolab fan's wet dream, this German
label was releasing gem after gem of high quality electronica
with that inimitable dose of pop hidden within it--from the post-Mouse
on Mars dub-pop of Kandis and Fumble to the moody, romantic sweetness
of Wunder and Donna Regina to the odd, not quite right, what-the-f**k
pop of Roman.
Anyway, enough applause, the label has just released a new compilation
that doesn't take the easy road. Kalk Seeds is a 17-track
collection that, despite appearances by K. Kalk front-liners Hausmeister,
Kandis, Donna Regina, and Marz, is mostly made up of recent signings,
such as Roman, Le Rok, Kuchen, T. Toyama Trio, Poto & Cabengo,
and Takagi Masakatsu. The overall feel is very international,
as breezy folktronica/pop (Sora & Wechsel Garland and Haushka)
segues in and out of the more electronic moments (Hausmeister,
Kandis, Le Rok) that carry the compilation along. It's worth pointing
out that despite its lounge-ability, this collection, like
most K. Kalk releases, doesn't sound one bit temporary or trendy.
The feel is somewhere between the chill of a Colette compilation
and a non-dancefloor Kompakt comp. Quite a range here, all followed
through nicely, each soft pop moment is countered by a crisper
melodic electronic jam, plus multiple variations of the two. Laptops
and sampled instruments interspersed everywhere. Sounds good?
It is. [SM]