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Whatever People Say I Am That's What I'm Not
"Perhaps Vampires Is a Bit Strong but..." |
"Riot Van" |
"When the Sun Goes Down" |
We all know about the Arctic Monkeys' quick rise to stardom.
To think that they sold over 118,000 records on the first day
of release in their native homeland, with the average age of band
members being a mere 19. Some have written this album off as just
for the kids but with sales like that, other people besides kids
must be buying. Whether it translates here in America remains
to be seen...
Singer Alex Turner has great songwriting talent that, I feel,
can definitely be compared to Pete Doherty. His tales of pub life,
girls, street fights, and pressure from the outside world are
told as miniature stories, not unlike Doherty, but the comparison
stops there. Arctic Monkeys tracks are polished, danceable, and
ultimately fun rock songs and, well...they translate amazing live.
This, in my opinion, is their key to success. Arctic Monkeys are
a GREAT live band; so good that prior to seeing them, I really
wanted to dismiss the group as another "next big thing"
without the songs or live prowess to back it up. I was wrong.
They blew me away, and believe me, I go to a lot of shows. What
was it? They just rocked, and tracks like "I Bet You Look
Good on the Dancefloor" and "Dancing Shoes" had
the crowd, both young and old, pogo-ing, head-nodding and smiling
away. And at this point, they had only released one single!
After this, I was caught up in Arctic Monkeys mania and wanted
to run out and get myself one of those "Alex Turner Is God"
buttons that I see people wearing. Suffice to say, I didn't buy
that pin but I did come across another single and ultimately their
debut album. Does it live up to all the fuss? Yes! It's a great
pop record filled with tracks that are instantly memorable, songs
that you will hum all day long, and choruses that you will not
soon forget. Are they the next Oasis or the new Babyshambles?
No, they are just Arctic Monkeys, a band that stumbled upon instant
stardom. Do they deserve it? Rightfully so. Whatever People
Say is a great debut album, and 2006 is already their year.