
$16.99 CD

Killing Sound
"Boom Boom Claat" |
"Slew Dem" |
Razor X Productions is actually the team of the Bug and Rootsman,
and their latest album compiles a few twelve-inch and seven-inch
singles released over the past year. The title, Killing Sound,
couldn't be more appropriate, for over 10 vocal tracks (plus an
extra CD of dub versions) they bring the noise into the dancehall.
Sharp, piercing, metallic digital rhythms become distorted, time-stretched
and all-out destroyed. Titles such as "Killer," "War
Start," Child Molester" and "WWW" are obvious
clues that this is not for the weak-hearted. Fighting to be heard
atop the heavy-metal/grimed-out reggae beats, the likes of Cutty
Ranks, Wayne Lonesome, Daddy Freddy, Warrior Queen, He-Man, Mexican,
Bongo Chilli, El Freo and Tony Tuff often scream in true toaster
style, bringing a full range of emotional intensity to the microphone.
Yes, it's hard to handle at times, and this set gives new meaning
to the term "banging beats" as the Bug and Rootsman
go waaaay beyond the tag of ragga jungle. Hard, frantic, and head-pounding,
"Imitator" could blow your eardrums if listened to on
the headphones. Killer Sound is truly rhythmic and filled
with tensioned-filled noise that could only come from Rephlex
and the Bug. Pick hit: Tony Tuff's "I Don't Know," with
its staggered hand claps, skittering cymbals and an oddly refreshing
use of space and silence providing a much-needed break by the
time the song appears. The Bug and Rootsman embrace the same aesthetic
as Rhythm and Sound, but their rhythms and sounds (no pun) are
the polar opposite--fast and heavy. Hold your lighters high, and
your earplugs close. [DG]