
$12.99 CD

$12.99 LP

(Beggars Banquet)
"Apartment Story"
The National's fourth album was recently referred to as a "grower" by Seattle radio station KEXP, and that's exactly right. It's stealth in its intent, creeping along the edges of every party, street, and lovers' quarrel. But Boxer is very, very good at hitting its target. As a young Greg Dulli once said, "It's locked its jaws, and now it's swallowing." Piano-plunked intro "Fake Empire" is lush in imagery, its narrator stumbling over apple pie, diamond slippers, and spiked lemonade. Matt Berninger traffics in the same brand of vampiric, stilted storytelling that Nick Cave, Stuart Staples, and The The's Matt Johnson love to scare all the kids with, but he's onto something special this time: he's got buoyancy, a coy endgame under all that sincerity. You could almost see him (were the National a huge enough band, and if talent had anything to do with fame, they would be) parodied on SNL by Andy Samberg as a doom-and-gloom troubadour, a maudlin talisman. But horns, flute, and strings march in assuredly just as Berninger's tale of woe gets close to a precipice -- the whole song exploding into a nervy festival of light and love, like Lambchop has been invited into the studio.
The wine-soaked, bad-boy intrigue of the Brooklyn band's stellar last effort, Alligator, returns in Boxer, particularly on mid-tempo rockers like "Apartment Story" and "Squalor Victoria," their pebbly drums, serene notes, and nighttime confessions skimming the surface of the deep water below. This time there's an unapologetic prettiness. Sexual energy hums out of Berninger's predatory purr. To contrast it, the brothers Dessner and Devendorf have built up a scenic byway for their boxing debut; everything fits, everything triumphs. And often, friends (like Sufjan Stevens) step into the fold, marbling tracks with piano or a dollop of French horn, deepening the deafening crash of bloodless, warring hearts adrift on this unpredictable ship's prow. This is a grower, but it's not done with you yet. [KO] |