
$14.99 CD

Moog Acid
"Frere Jacques"
"Analog Generique"
At first, the collaboration between French electronic composer Jean
Jacques Perrey and British, um, electronic composer Luke Vibert seemed a gimmick, destined to be too clever of an idea. But Perrey & Vibert, credited with manipulating all the instruments and electronics (every form of Moog, basically), with additional musicians on percussion, sitar, trumpet, and bass guitar, have created a melodically textured and sonically engaging record. The diverse layers of sounds, along with the knowledge and skill -- new school and classic -- find a nice ground to coexist. You're never 100% sure who is doing what, yet it doesn't matter, as no one seems to be pushing the other in any certain direction. Vibert pulls from an array of rhythms from downtempo acid to uprocking disco, breakbeat to jazzy hip-hop and chunky house grooves, all with trademark funky quirkiness. Perrey adds some poetry, jazz-not-jazz arrangements and some solid keyboard tones, melodies, and accents -- check their bells, handclaps, bass and warping acid lead version of "Frere Jacques."
This is for Vibert fans, sure, but also for anyone who can appreciate the early electronic grooves of the Orb, the sonic caretaker approach of Kraftwerk, or simply the layers of melodic possibilities of the Moog. And for those looking a for a tight, interesting, beat driven, non-minimal techno record, with a sense of humor (smart not stupid), then this is for you. This is a refreshing good listen all the way through, and as it turns out, JJ and Luke are not such a odd couple after all! [DG] |