
$24.95 Book

The Amazing Career of an Imaginary Soul Superstar
(Princeton Architectural Press)
The story of Mingering Mike is one of the greatest touchstones of popular culture in America. It's the tale of a groundbreaking soul / R&B singer, producer, label owner, actor and showman who, from the late '60s through 1977, released over 50 albums and as many hit 45s, 8-track tapes and reel-to-reels on labels that he ran himself, lording over an entertainment empire that existed only in the mind of one fanatical Washington D.C. record collector. Who was Mingering Mike? The mystery and the history are explored in loving detail in the great new book out on Princeton Architectural Press. The story begins, or maybe ends at a D.C. flea market in December of 2003, when a crate-digging soul collector stumbled across a box of beautiful and impossibly rare LPs, studio albums, live triple-LPs and soundtracks to unheard-of Blaxploitation films from the early '70s. Actually, upon closer inspection, most of what was detailed on these beautiful record sleeves was unheard-of, from the artists (all revolving around the main star and kingpin Mingering Mike) to the labels, the producers...all of it. The liner notes were meticulous and the details were endlessly fascinating, but, it turned out, these records, while real as a slap in the face, were non-existent. Pull the vinyl out of the beautiful picture sleeve and you can see it's just cardboard, the grooves made of paint or magic marker, the hand-drawn labels, copyright and all, an elaborate game, or fraud, or more likely a dream.
The mystery of these strange artifacts spread quickly throughout the world of record collectors and beyond, on websites, in magazines, in the pages of the New York Times and on National Public Radio. It was a hell of a lot of glowing press, in fact, for an artist that never existed. But of course he DID exist, if not the chart topping soul artist that is imagined on the endless artifacts discovered in those record crates that cold December day, then at least the man who imagined him and made him ALMOST real, right down to the shrink-wrap, price-tag and promotional stickers on the albums. Mingering Mike, The Amazing Career of an Imaginary Soul Superstar tells the tale from every angle, as the crate diggers track down and win over Mike today and learn the story of his real and imagined past. Groundbreaking singer, outsider artist, or just another lost soul, this lovely book (soft-cover, 10" x 10", close to 200 pages) is a beauty and a thrill to read, telling Mike's story in words and pictures that will give hours of enjoyment to record collectors, art enthusiasts and students of the human condition alike. [JM] |