
$13.99 CD

$15.99 LP w/MP3

King of Jeans
(Sub Pop)
"False Jesii Part 2"
"Dominate Yourself"
Sometimes I really miss metal. I mean, this "other music" is nice, but nothing really brings the mood up on a sleepy Monday evening at the store like a little surprise Slayer-fest! Yes, on these momentous occasions, all in earshot snap out of whatever personal malaise may be plaguing them to join in the communal elation that is Reign in Blood. Customers who seconds before were seemingly asleep standing up in the Out section are now head-banging around the room, asking if we have this for sale (yes), overcome with the sheer power of the Slay-ing. Wait...this isn't a Slayer review? (Sigh...). BUT the roundabout "point" I'm trying to address here is how rare it is to feel that kind of energy and intensity emanating from a band. You know, the kind of cathartic outpouring of bad vibes that REALLY brings people together. So much music seems to willfully hold any inherent emotional quality at bay, be it by obscuring the lyrics under blankets of distortion and effects, or placing emphasis more on production and arrangements. All this is pleasant enough at the end of the day, but I sometimes can't shake the feeling that I've been somehow shortchanged -- wishing that the band was GIVING me more.
Allentown's Pissed Jeans have never shied away from giving it, and they do it to the max on King of Jeans. While not exactly a metal record, King of Jeans is certainly a vicious, lumbering monster to behold. The Jeans' approach heavy much in the same way Black Flag did, taking punk's alienated sneer, splitting it with a lethargic hardcore intensity, and peppering the whole bucket o' sludge with a touch of angel dust. The result is a lobotomized, stinking pit-stain of an album. But it's also the most immediate, visceral record I've heard in ages. From the ferocious drag race in a tornado of opener "False Jessi Pt. 2" -- a thorough refusal to be big-man-on-campus -- to the exhausted, sludgy crawl of "Spent," the oppressive air of desperation fills the room. Other bands have occupied adjacent caverns down here, (the Jesus Lizard, Harvey Milk, the Melvins) but few have blown cobwebs as thoroughly and to the point as Pissed Jeans. If you've ever found yourself consumed with blind rage at your roommate, traffic, the cost of living, dogs barking, jobs, food, the heat, bands, stupid guys, stupid girls, stupid self, etc., then Pissed Jeans have a tune for you. One of the best records of the year by a country mile. [JTr] |