
$11.99 CD

"I Wanna"
It was a scorching Brooklyn afternoon in the summer of 2007, and about ten kids and I were glued to the couch of the Silent Barn, no one saying a word. That morning, we had arrived at a parking lot above an auto parts store where we were gonna help Brooklyn d.i.y. promoter Todd P set up a huge Matt & Kim show that night -- but instead of an empty room, to our surprise, we found a fully-functioning sweatshop with a sea of sewing machines going strong. It was a couple hours before doors were supposed to open, and we'd called everyone we knew who had a loft or basement or backyard, but couldn't find a replacement spot. All of a sudden, we got a call from Todd telling us to mobilize with our PVC buckets of clamp lamps and cables and other gear spilling out, and hustle down to 261 Moore Street. We arrived in Bushwick at a huge warehouse full of doors and heavy machinery and spent the next two hours frantically stacking these huge planks, consolidating debris into a huge heap, and piecing together a stage on top of a huge worktable. After about twelve hours of summer sweat and aching muscles, Matt & Kim scrambled on top of this table and started bangin' out their songs for eight hundred thrashing kids. The remarkable thing is, I think any of those kids would've given just as much to make a Matt & Kim show happen for them and their friends.
Needless to say, we're unbelievably psyched to finally have Grand in our grubby hands -- it's been over two years since Matt Johnson and Kim Schifino released any new songs, but who can fault 'em? The punk-pop duo have been relentlessly touring the globe 366 days a year since 2006, and they've really made an impression -- I met a baby in Pittsburgh who can barely talk, but knows all the words to their song "Verbs Before Nouns." But instead of letting this road-weariness get to our happy-go-lucky heroes, Matt & Kim have spun homesickness into some of the catchiest songs on Grand. "I'll Take Us Home" is a simple, beaten-out tune of longing for their hometown friends, sleeping all weekend in their own bed instead of Matt's old van, and New York as a whole, but the two triumphantly look forward, vowing "Here we stand in the end." The two former Pratt students will never forget where they came from (they even self-recorded Grand in Matt's childhood bedroom) and plenty of their good-time infectiousness -- with Matt's keyboard hooks twinkling brighter than ever and a wallet strapped to Kim's snare for extra punch -- pops out of these ten new songs. There's even an instrumental number, "Cinders," named after the Williamsburg art space where Kim shows work. The real standout shocker, however, is the middle track "Lessons Learned," which starts out with Kim singing for the first truly audible time ever -- a heart-stopping moment -- and she has a killer voice! Schifino flat-out nails a Shop Assistants-style intro with rapid-fire drumming and a lackadaisically-sung, reverb-y melody.
Even though Matt & Kim humbly started out back in 2004, Grand proves that they're still a necessary breath of fresh air. These kids are positive, sincere, and way into the idea that you don't have to be "too cool for school" to be cool. We may not all be as ripped as Kim, or flexible enough to hop on top of a huge stack of amps in one bound like Matt, but the duo makes us feel like we all have something in common and we're together on this one -- it's no coincidence that they decided to release Grand on Inauguration Day. Go out and grab your good time! [KS] |