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Tudo Ben - Jorge Ben Covered
(Mr Bongo)
"Pulo Pulo" Elza Soares
"Vendador De Bananas" Os Increveis
Mr Bongo delivers one of the year's strongest, most satisfying compilations in Tudo Ben, an outstanding (and long overdue, IMO) collection of 1960s and 70s artists covering songs by one of Brazil's most gifted tunesmiths, Jorge Ben. Ben has been a favorite both personally and of the OM contingent as a whole for many years, and this comp serves up a whopping 26 songs covered by a great number of singers from a wide range of styles and scenes in Brazil. Lovingly compiled by Brazilian Beats Brooklyn DJs Greg Caz and Sean Marquand, the collection features versions of songs both well-known ("PaÃs Tropical," "Rita Jeep," "Zazueira," "Cosa Nostra" and the ubiquitous "Mas Que Nada") as well as lesser known tunes that pack just as strong a punch. The arrangements are outstanding on the whole with a unifying sound that never distracts, and the compilation is sequenced so thoughtfully that its duration zips by just as you're ready to really start the party. Personal faves include Os Originais Do Samba's gorgeous "Cadê Tereza," Cyro Aguiar's "Rei Do Maracatu," Os Incriveis's "Vendedor De Bananas," the MONSTER jam "Tenha Fé, Pois Amanhã Um Lindo Dia Vai Nascer" by Salinas which opens the set, and any one of Wilson Simonal's seven(!) contributions.
The real testament to Ben's abilities as a songwriter and truly unique figurehead in the scene, though, perhaps lies in how naturally these diverse artists can adapt to his sound, which really wasn't like anyone else's for damn near decades on the scene. The man's got a signature sound, and everyone wears it well, from the MPB crooner Simonal, samba/bossa soul firebrand Elza Soares, the carnival clatter of Os Originais Do Samba, to the post-tropicalist rock stylings of Os Brazões, to name but a small few on the comp. It's also no surprise that many of the artists' contributions here prove to be some of their own best work -- Ben's songwriting brings out the best in all of them; no matter how famous or obscure, they're all on equal ground in his sonic world. This set is hands down one of the best Ben-related CDs ever released (and let's face it, that's really saying something!), not to mention one of the best representations of the samba soul/funky Rio/whatever-the-hell-you-wanna-call-it sound that folks are once again bandwagon jumping for cool points these days. It's obvious that a lot of hard work and deep love for Ben was put into this collection, and anyone interested in his music or that of the soulful Brazilian contingent should be picking this up post-haste. Highest recommendation, and to Greg and Sean -- nice work, fellas! [IQ] |