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Earthly Delights
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It's been four long years since the fuzzed-out, bass-heavy spasticity of Hypermagic Mountain, four years devoid of brand-new matter-vaporizing riffage from everyone's favorite Providence two-piece, but fear not, fellow believers, Lightning Bolt are finally back! And, boy, is it good to hear that unholy low-end rumbling forth from my speakers, and, in all likelihood, destroying them. The Load-released Earthly Delights finds Brian and Brian sounding as absolutely insane and extraterrestrial as ever, as they once more summon their trademarked crushingly heavy, cymbal-rupturing waves of breakneck brutality, song after song. The album kicks off without hesitation (a word rarely used in conjunction with Lightning Bolt), as the duo launches into "Sound Guardians," a track that at first sounds like a marching band-gone-satanic, and then collapses into blown-out, fist-pumping madness, setting the pace and tone for the remainder of the record.
Vocals are, of course, of the garbled, incoherent, and frantic variety, a style that has always suited Lightning Bolt's instrumentals. But the band has evolved since their last record; there's a subtle semblance of melody in these tracks, an attention to song craft that wasn't present on previous recordings. Take, for example, the slowed-down (relatively speaking), super-heavy gem "Colossus." Here's a song in which Chippendale and Gibson manage to stay true to their roots, while simultaneously displaying tunefulness that verges on, dare I say it, catchy. Then there's the delightfully weird "Funny Farm," which features infectious, distorted down-on-the-farm bluegrass picking interludes, complete with folksy yelping; you have to hear it to believe it. The album closes with the 12-minute-plus behemoth "Transmissionary," which is hands down the duo's heaviest, most epic piece to date. Gibson's bass has never sounded more thunderous, and Chippendale's drumming has become, somehow, more raging, more frenetic, and more spot-on. Highly recommended. [JK]
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