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Night and Day
(Planet Mu)
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Imagine lying on a beach in Spain, or Trinidad, at sunset, as a crystal blue sky turns pink and purple, while blinding white, billowing clouds melt into the sparkling darkness as a cool breeze tickles your skin. Now imagine that you have drifted off into a slight sleep and simultaneously dream of a 1970's boogie wonderland, a 90's rave downtempo/chillout room, and the bedroom of an inspired producer in the London of today. These images first come to mind when listening to the debut album from Spanish-Trinidadian Oriol Singhji, currently a resident of London. Oriol's Night and Day is the sunniest and brightest addition to the Planet Mu label in some time. Fusing a love of Herbie Hancock's late-70's electric period, 80's freestyle synth and drum patterns, and LTJ Bukem's feel for the mellow, late-90's jazz-influenced broken beat, Night and Day fits right alongside the new crop of producers like Floating Points and Untold, as well as the contemporary nostalgia of Hudson Mohawke and Dam Funk, but sans the vocoders and PlayStation elements -- no sonic bombs, no time warped effects, no rubber band bass, just nice melodies and sparkling synth sounds, with crisp, clean, rich and swaying electronic grooves. With a pleasant use of arpeggios, the occasional soul vocal sample, and lots of spacious layers, this is music for the open air. Not cluttered with endless bleeps and squiggles, each sound has its place and is used to heighten and/or deepen the compositions. While the record definitely is danceable, the tracks lean more towards the vibey, with a cool blend of jazz, soul, and electronic beats. A pleasant surprise, one that's quite fun to listen to, and without a dark, foreboding or sinister note in sight. This is the perfect warm weather record, inspired by the sun-drenched soul of Barcelona, and the electronic fusion of London. A nice update to several sub-genres that seem to be slowly re-emerging. [DG]
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