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One of most anticipated releases in the electronic scene for Fall 2010 comes from Kode9's Hyperdub label, with the debut full-length from one of the rising names on their roster, Darkstar. What began as the duo of James Young and Aiden Whalley, gaining attention with their "Need You" 12-inch in 2008 and 2009's "Aidy's Girl Is a Computer" (included here), has now morphed into a 'proper' electronic band with the addition of singer James Buttery, who replaces the digitally processed vocal leads of the singles. With North, Darkstar also explores a new spiritual center, away from the boyish roll-n-tumble mindset of dubstep and into a territory more in line with the musical lineage of the area they call home, the same northern part of England that brought us the cold synth and emotional longing of OMD, Human League, and John Foxx.
Darkstar have skillfully and successfully aligned themselves with the next wave of smart, minimalist electronic/pop artists exploring the low-end theory, like the xx, (the current sound of) Portishead, or Thom Yorke. Lead off single "Gold" is a glitchy and synthy slow-motion update of a Human League b-side ("You Remind Me of Gold"), yet it still retains the dry coolness of the original. Elsewhere the sequencing is well thought out, with nice lead-ins and interludes, moving you through a desolate urban landscape, as echoes of dubstep float across the album like a ghost more than an actual presence. The mood and sound design is beautiful, the bass frequencies full and resonating, and all the scratches, hisses, time-stretching, guitar lines, and above all melodies, seem immaculately manicured but still bruised, even in their high fidelity. Overall North is very cinematic, stark, and barren, yet warm and dreamlike, dark, and rich -- this instantly feels like another modern day classic. I'll bet we'll find Darkstar sitting near the top of many forthcoming year-end lists, and it was definitely worth the wait. [DG]
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