
$34.99 CDx2

The Smile Sessions
"Do You Like Worms (Roll Plymouth Rock)"
"Cabin Essence"
I was a junior in high school when I bought my first SMiLE bootleg; I'd been deep into Pet Sounds and wanted a taste of the mythical next-level recordings that had become legendary as rock and pop music's most famous unreleased album. That initial 2CD bootleg I purchased led me on a scavenger hunt that lasted well over a decade, as I bought LPs, CDs, CDRs, and downloaded assorted fan mixes of the various sessions as they appeared in my orbit. I microscopically studied every page of Dominic Priore's brilliant Look! Listen! Vibrate! SMiLE!, a mammoth scrapbook of press clippings and essays about the events leading up to, surrounding, and falling out from the album's eventual unfinished demise. I was there when Brian Wilson and the Wondermints, with orchestra, presented the NYC debut of a retroactively assembled SMiLE at Carnegie Hall, with the album's lyricist and co-conspirator Van Dyke Parks in attendance. But my obsession effectively ends today, as I sit here listening to this incredible assemblage of the album's labyrinthine recording sessions into the closest any mortal will ever come to a finished product. We can forever mull about whether or not the record would have reached the heights of critical praise that Sgt. Pepper's has received, or whether or not it may have even surpassed those heights. This much is true -- SMiLE remains, and is now finally shown to be, one of the most important, most brilliant pieces of American musical composition and craftsmanship ever recorded.
It's astonishing to think that somehow, all of the remaining Beach Boys were able to finally stop bitching at one another long enough to be able to assemble what is the "definitive" version of the album, presented on Disc 1. It's also astonishing to discover just how close to completion the album actually seemed to be; there are vocals here for all the key tracks, many long left as instrumentals on bootlegs, or with later-released vocals added to those boots, long thought to never have had period vocal tracks recorded or found. Tracks I've known for years via expertly-assembled bootlegs are still surprising me, with many small details revealing themselves and with subtle yet key arrangements differing throughout. These arrangements also differ from the versions presented on Brian's solo recording of the album with the Wondermints. The compilers admirably succeed in aiming to please both the casual listener AND the diehards, and remarkably, they found things that not even the most seasoned bootleggers have heard.
What's also remarkable, in listening to the expanded sessions documented in Disc-2, is just how deep into the avant-garde Brian Wilson was diving here; tracks will begin with one arrangement before veering into new directions thanks to a seemingly off-the-cuff idea discovered during many sessions of improvisation by the Wrecking Crew at Brian's encouragement. The vocal arrangements here are jaw-dropping, and the excerpted takes for these songs -- later to be heavily spliced into the masters by Wilson -- reveal ample musical riches with much replay value, surprisingly.
Simply put, this CD set is absolutely essential. SMiLE remains more important to me than Pet Sounds, for all its masterful brilliance, ever managed to be. This is not only an album of classic songs documenting the history of American expansion and its moralistic downturn which can be appreciated by the casual fan, but it is a treasure trove of evidence of the power of recorded music, to the craft of musical arrangement, and to the simple but unstoppable force of the human imagination. I'll be first to admit that I'm insane about the music collected here, but I truly cannot express how historically important this album is, and how much cultural relevance it surprisingly still holds today, as global commerce and communication irrevocably change the human condition. After all of the drugs, all of the bullshit, all of the meltdowns, and all of the resurrections, there is still only the music, and now we finally have SMiLE to cement the Beach Boys' legacy as true innovators. Everyone needs to hear this, at least once, before they die. Say thank you to Brian Wilson tonight before you go to sleep. [IQ]