
$169.99 CDx2+LPx2+

$39.99 CDx2+DVD

Histoire De Melody Nelson - Deluxe Edition
(Philips/Universal France)
In celebration of this landmark record's 40th anniversary, Philips/Universal France have issued a jaw-dropping deluxe edition of Serge Gainsbourg's essential Histoire De Melody Nelson featuring the original album remastered, a stunning bonus disc which creates an alternate version of the record out of extended/unedited takes, instrumental versions, alternate vocal takes which add key lines into the classic story omitted from the final master, and two versions (vocal and instrumental) of an excellent, previously unheard song written and recorded for the album but omitted at the eleventh hour. As if that weren't enough, there's also a fantastic DVD which features the record mixed for 5.1 Surround Sound, and a 45-minute documentary which details the making of the album with interviews of Jane Birkin, composer/arranger Jean-Claude Vannier, sound engineer Jean-Claude Charvier, Birkin's brother Andrew, photographer Tony Frank, and vintage period footage of Serge himself all talking about Melody Nelson's creation. Good news for the bilingually impaired, too -- the DVD is subtitled!
If you've read this far, chances are that you know the deal with this album but I'll sum it up, Cliffs Notes style: This is not only widely regarded to be Gainsbourg's masterpiece, but one of, if not THE greatest albums in French music history. A song cycle about a wealthy French man who hits a young English teenager with his Rolls-Royce while she's riding her bike, the man takes her to a no-tell motel, deflowers her, and he becomes obsessed with her. She departs for her home in Sunderland and the man calls upon a cargo cult, a pre-industrial tribal society who seeks material riches from modern cultures through magic and voodoo-esque rituals, to return her to him. The cult makes the plane crash and Melody dies. Our man then leads a screwed existence which teeters on the unbalanced memories of that one fateful encounter. The album was arranged and conducted by OM fave Jean-Claude Vannier, with some of his most goosebump-inducing orchestral arrangements fused to a stark, sensual bass/drums/guitar rock combo rocking slowly in an acid-laced motion. It features one of the most iconic record sleeves by Tony Frank and as a total package the album is, quite simply, a work of art.
While the 2CD/DVD set is a thrilling edition in itself, there's also a deluxe box set for those of you who need more than an easy fix, and it's worth every penny. Limited and numbered at just 10,000 copies for the world, it features the two CDs, the DVD, vinyl versions of both the original album AND the session tracks, and a stunning hardcover coffee-table book featuring loads of unpublished photos, reproductions of Gainsbourg's handwritten lyrics for the record, the best translations I've yet seen for the album in English, and essays in French and English, including one about the ongoing mysteries surrounding the session musicians who actually played on the album written by Finders Keepers mogul Andy Votel, who has given Vannier new critical legs via his excellent JCV releases on FK.
I'm not a big box set nerd nor am I crazy for retread "Deluxe" editions of many albums, but those of you who know me know that Gainsbourg is my man, the one guy I get obsessively completest about, and among all of the Serge boxes I have, this one is one of the best. It's put together with the love and care of a true fan, and quite simply, it looks fucking gorgeous. Anyone who has fallen prey to its magic and craves more will find much to love here; Vannier enthusiasts needing a deeper fix of his brilliance will need a diaper change after listening to the second CD, and from a style perspective, this is one of the most prime documents of the convergence of style and substance you'll see on a record store shelf. The original album is essential listening, but incredibly, this expanded package does nothing to dilute Melody Nelson's magic; in fact, it only strengthens the hex. Don't say I didn't warn you. Wear proper protection when handling this box set. [IQ]